Getting Started Resource Center
Product Test Plans
These Test Plans are designed to give you:
- the major issues you are focused on (Issue);
- how Appmetrics for Transactions can solve these issues (solution);
- the testing process you would undertake (testing)
We have listed below some of the issues you may be facing - just click on the issue to get to the appropriate test plan.
"I want to monitor hung components"
"A COM+ Component is 'hung' and our Website is frozen. Is there an automated solution for bringing our Website up again?"
"I need to know the name of a particular COM+ Application that has stopped running."
"The response times of my business application varies and sometimes failures occur. I would like to know which components are responsible."
"I want to set triggers that alert me about application problems/issues before a brownout or blackout situation occurs."
"Transactions abort but I cannot tell exactly which ones are failing and how often."
"Components within the application hang, but ascertaining which ones is difficult."
"I need to know if application bottlenecks are caused by my COM+ components."
"I require more meaningful, departmental user reports about the performance of our COM+ applications. I want to provide these reports to the business units so that they can benefit directly from the data."
"I need more detail of object performance, so we can move from finger pointing to problem solving."
"I require capacity-planning data about the COM+ components in my application."
"I need to document that I am (or my group is) meeting application service levels."