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Trial Review Survey for AppMetrics

Email Address:
Type of Application:
Yes     No
1. Which features did you trial?
a.  Application Monitoring?      
b.  Diagnostic Analysis of Application?      
c.  Alerting and Notification?      
d.  Other, please specify:  
e.  Did not Install?      
2. Has the issue been resolved during the trial period?
If YES, how was it resolved?
   a.  AppMetrics helped me resolve it      
   b.  We used other resources to resolve it      
   c.  We bought more hardware to try and resolve it      
   d.  Will you know when the problem resurfaces?      
If NO then what is the next step?
   a.  Will you be using another product?      
   b.  Will you be trialling AppMetrics at another time?      
3. Which features did you like the most?

4. What would you like us to change and how?

5. How did you learn about AppMetrics?
Google Search - Keyword(s)  
Google Ad.
Reference from Microsoft.
Reference from a Colleague.
Other, please describe  
Yes     No
6. Did you use Xtremesoft Support?      
If yes, how would you rate the support experience?
Excellent        Good         Fair  
7. Overall, did you have a positive experience with Xtremesoft?
Excellent        Good         Fair  
8. Would you recommend AppMetrics to others?      
9. Is the price of AppMetrics preventing you from purchasing?      
10. Any other comments you would like to make?

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